lash lifting process

Luxe Lashlift Set: applying silicone eye pads correctly

Do you know this too? You stick on the silicone eye pads for eyelash lifting, but they just won't hold. They keep slipping off or bulges form in the pads. However, putting on the silicone eye pads...
lash lifting

Why do eyelashes sometimes fall out after a Luxe Lashlift Set?

A natural process We constantly lose eyelashes and eyebrow hairs. You know it from the hair on your head. Every day 2-3 eyelashes and eyebrow hairs fall out. This is not bad, because new hairs alw...
lifted lashes

3 Simple tips on how to extend the life of your Luxe Lash Glue

Tip 1: Clean the ahesive with alcohol After each treatment, it is very important to clean the opening and the brush of the eyelash lift glue with alcohol (e.g. skin disinfectant). To do this, simp...
woman with lifted lashes

Here's what you can do if you're tearing up a lot

Luxe Lashlift Set is a great challenge for severely watery eyes. Also, the result is often not promising, because everything gets completely wet. That's why in this article we'll show you what rea...
lash lifting do's and dont's

Luxe Eyelash Lift gone wrong? Here's how to solve the problem!

The thing is - you can hide your bad haircut with a few well-placed accessories. Some girls can even rock a boy cut or wear a Charlize Theron Mad Max look. As for pimples, you can simply cover the...
The 5 most common Luxe Eyelash Lift mistakes and how to avoid them

The 5 most common Luxe Eyelash Lift mistakes and how to avoid them

Do you also know these problems with an Luxe Lashlift Set? Sometimes the eyelash lift works well and the eyelashes get a great curl and sometimes it doesn't work at all for some unknown reason.The...
Possible allergic reactions during Luxe Lashlift Set

Possible allergic reactions during Luxe Lashlift Set

How can you recognize allergic reactions during Luxe Lashlift Set? An allergy is a hypersensitivity of the immune system to stimuli with which most people have no problems with. The longer you are...
lifted lashes

Luxe Eyelash Lift During Pregnancy

It is quite understandable that pregnant people also want beautifully curved, natural eyelashes. At the same time, especially during this time, one pays special attention to health. Therefore, the...
lifted eyelashes

Help, Luxe Eyebrow Lifting Lasts Only A Few Days

Incorrect exposure times damage the eyebrow hairs If the eyebrows curl or wave a few days after the Luxe Eyebrow Lift, it is 100% an indicator that the hairs have been damaged. This happens when t...